KTIP Modified Lesson Plan
Name: Brennan Blackstone Date:
Age/Grade Level: 4th Grade
Subject: Language Arts
# of Students:
16 # of IEP Students: 2
Major Content:
Authentic Topic:_____Newsletter_________________________
Unit Title: Literary and Nonfiction Texts__Lesson Title: Text Features
Be sure to put all worksheets, assessments, and scoring rubrics
in the Appendix. After you teach the lesson in your classroom, complete a reflection of your lesson and attached to this file.
Include 5 students products from your classroom. Be sure to remove students names
from the technology product. Lesson and students’ technology product should
be saved on a CD and turned in to your instructor on due date.
Goals and Objectives: Completed prior to teaching lesson.
Your instructor must approve this section before you teach
the lesson.
Clearly state your broad goals and specific objectives (each objective must have all
four parts) that identify the content and technology skills/processes to be taught and formally assessed. Give the Bloom’s
level for each objective. Identify essential questions you want to address. You must have at least one but no more than two
technology objectives and at least one but no more than two content objectives.
Essential Question(s):
- How do text
features help organize and communicate information to the audience?
Content Objective(s):
Bloom’s Level:
Connections to KY Core Content for Assessment: |
1. Students will research examples of how text
features are used in newspapers and newsletters. They will use their findings
to create their own newsletter to send home to 4th grade parents. The
newsletter will include information about what’s going on in the 4th grade and what is happening in the future! |
3. Application
4. Analysis |
Students will apply and analyze knowledge of text
features (e.g., pictures, lists, charts, graphs, captions, diagrams, headings) to answer questions about a passage. |
Technology Objective(s): |
Bloom’s Level:
Connections to Technology Skills in KY Program of Studies: |
The newsletter will be created in Microsoft Publisher,
using a variety of text features to deliver information. |
5. Synthesize |
Information, Communication and Productivity
Students use computers and other kinds of technology
to create, organize, and communicate information and ideas.
Research, Inquiry/Problem-solving and Innovation
Students will use technology for original creations/innovation
in classroom, and express creativity collaboratively using technology. |